How healthy is your diet?
Find out in under 10 minutes.

Take the Healthy Eating Quiz

Provided by the University of Newcastle, Australia.

Discover how healthy your diet & eating habits are

The Healthy Eating Quiz is designed to rate how healthy your eating habits are and it helps to iden­tify areas in your diet that can be improved. At the end, you’ll receive instant feed­back on your eating habits and you’ll be able to compare to people your age. Your results will be stored in your dash­board, allow­ing you to track your changes over time.

Find out how healthy your eating habits are

As featured in:

JOIN OVER 750,000 People & Improve Your Diet!

Once you’ve completed your Healthy Eating Quiz you can save your results in your dash­board allow­ing you to easily manage and track your progress along with many more bene­fits including:

Free diet report

Takes less than 10 minutes!

Personalised recommendations

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Info provided by Prof Collins & Team

Take the Healthy Eating Quiz
All user data is securely stored in Australia. The University of Newcastle will not share or sell your data.

The importance of variety in healthy eating

No single food contains all the nutri­ents we need to stay healthy. Some foods are higher in nutri­ents than others and people who have a lot of vari­ety in the foods they eat are more likely to be healthy and to stay healthy. In other words, if you can eat a large vari­ety of vegeta­bles as opposed to only 2 – 3 types of vegeta­bles, the bene­fits are much greater. This type of diet also helps you to feel better, think better and perform better during your usual daily activities.

Who developed the Healthy Eating Quiz?

The Healthy Eating Quiz was devel­oped by Profes­sor Clare Collins and the nutri­tion and dietet­ics research team at the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medi­cine and Prior­ity Research Centre for Phys­i­cal Activ­ity and Nutri­tion at the Univer­sity of Newcastle.

Why Did I Create The Healthy Eating Quiz?

I created the Healthy Eating Quiz to provide every­body with a quiz, easy to use and simple to under­stand diet assess­ment tool. Over 7 years on we’ve seen over 750,000 people assess their diet and discover where their diet is placed amongst the Australian Dietary recom­men­da­tions. Why not join them today and take the Healthy Eating Quiz today!

Profes­sor Clare Collins — Profes­sor of Nutri­tion and Dietet­ics in the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medi­cine at the Univer­sity of Newcas­tle, NSW, Australia.